
© Rodion Kutsaiev – unsplash.com

As you probably already know from my About Me page, I am a law student with a variety of passions such as psychology, neurobiology, personal development, and tutoring.

So you might be wondering how I got into online marketing. Well, a few months ago there were times when I struggled to find motivation to study. Besides delving into the fields of neurobiology and psychology (in order to regain motivation which I managed to do) I started searching for other sources of income besides tutoring in order to finance my studies. That’s how I came across online marketing and John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success program*. John is an incredibly successful Internet Marketer who started his own online marketing journey in 2004 and has been coaching thousands of others ever since. In the P2S program John teaches you how to get started in the world of online marketing and create and launch your own product. I have to admit, in the beginning I wasn’t sure if this was for me – it seemed like a completely foreign world to me and I had doubts whether I would be able to be successful online. After all, I had never had anything to do with it before – I even had to google what online marketing was all about. So my first thoughts were: how am I going to do this? What if I’m not up to this challenge? What if I have no talent and fail miserably?

So I had two choices: Either close the tab to this program I had stumbled across, return to the familiar terrain of the legal world and train my subconscious that I am too scared to tread new and unknown ground. Or despite my initial fear of failing, nevertheless take action and prove to myself that I can do anything if I believe in myself.

Since you’re reading this post, you know which option I chose. And I haven’t regretted it for a second. I started from scratch and have learned so much since. John’s Partnership to Success program is super structured and absolutely beginner-friendly. The goal is to create and launch your own product within 60 days (if you need more time, that is perfectly okay, too). Every day there are training videos where John shows you and explains exactly what you have to do next (you don’t have to be a techy person at all). And if you have any questions, you can always submit a support ticket (no question is too stupid!) and get help. That’s what I love about this program. You can tell that John and his team are genuinely interested in their students’ success and they support them where they can.

I am really proud of what I have already achieved. I would never have thought that you can go from nothing to a blog and starting product creation within a few weeks. Of course, there were also frustrating moments (which was less due to the P2S program and more due to the jungle of German laws that you have to comply with when setting up an online business, which has delayed my progress quite a bit), but that’s part of starting something new, right?

At the moment I’m researching topics for product creation. If everything goes well, I will be launching my first product in a few weeks’ time. From an empty screen to a product of my own within a few weeks – WOW!

So should you want to get started in online marketing but still have self-doubt, I’d like to say from the bottom of my heart: Be brave and go for it! Many other people have already become successful and they also started from scratch. Check out John’s program here*, it is absolutely worth it and you won’t regret it. If I can do it, so can you!

To your success,

Olivia Ressler




* affiliate link/advertising link



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