Who hasn’t experienced this: you’re about to write an email, a letter or a postcard (believe it or not, I do still write postcards), but have no idea what to say. Before you get to the first sentence, so much time has passed that it would have been easier to simply pick up the phone.
That’s how I feel at the moment when it comes to blogposts. I recently started John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success program*. The aim of this course is to launch your own product (e.g. an ebook) within 60 days. However, a significant part of the course is also to create a website and blog regularly. As a newbie, I sometimes feel like there’s nothing to write about – after all, I have no experience in the online marketing world (yet). Fortunately, the Partnership to Success program provides many great ideas for posts that even complete beginners can write about. I’ve chosen six of them that I find very helpful. So here we go:
1) Write about your online marketing journey so far
Here are a few ideas:
a) Share your motivation: You could begin by explaining what motivated you to start your journey in the world of online marketing. Was it a desire for financial freedom, a passion for a particular niche, or something else? Sharing your initial motivations can help readers connect with your story.
b) Highlight your achievements: If you’ve had any achievements or milestones along the way, whether big or small, don’t hesitate to share them. Success stories can be inspiring for your readers and show that progress is possible.
c) Discuss your learning curve: Write about the lessons you’ve learned throughout your online marketing journey. What strategies or tactics worked, and which ones didn’t? Sharing your insights can help others avoid common pitfalls.
d) Share your challenges and struggles: In addition to frustrations, describe the specific hurdles you encountered. Whether it involved technical difficulties, time management or disappointments with online marketing programs, talking about these challenges can make your journey more relatable.
e) Talk about resources: Did you come across any valuable resources or tools that helped you along the way? Sharing these resources can be beneficial to your readers and establish your credibility.
f) Share Your Future Goals: How about writing about your current aspirations and goals in the online income space? This gives your readers a sense of where you’re headed and can create anticipation for future content.
g) Write about mentors: If there were individuals or mentors who played a significant role in your journey, take a moment to write about them and express your appreciation. By doing this you also highlight the importance of being supported when diving into an unknown world.
2) Write about a course you’re currently taking
Maybe you’re currently taking an online marketing course. How about writing about that? Here are some ideas of how you could structure your blog post:
a) Course overview: Start by providing an overview of the course. Explain what the course is about, who it is designed for and what you hope to achieve by taking the course.
b) Progress milestones: Write about your progress and important milestones you have achieved. What have you learned throughout the course, which modules or topics did you find especially interesting? Outlining your progress helps readers follow your journey.
c) Highlight achievements: Celebrate your achievements during the course. For example, did you just learn to create a squeeze page when only yesterday the term ‘squeeze’ brought to mind nothing more than lemons? Fantastic, write about it.
d) Discuss challenges: Share with your readers the challenges you faced. Whether it was time management, difficult tasks or complex concepts, describing your difficulties can provide insight and empathy to your readers.
e) Feedback and interaction: If the course provides opportunities for interaction with lecturers or fellow students (such as facebook groups), describe whether or how the exchange helped you along the way.
3) Teach whatever you’ve already learned in the program you’re currently taking
Whatever you’ve aready learned in the course your taking, you can teach and write about. Randy, a colleague of John’s (whose Partnership to success program I’m currently doing) and also a very successful internet marketer, explained this concept by referring to an old film in which the main character started to take dance classes. After his first dance lesson, he rented a hall which he used once a week to teach others what he himself had only learned in his last dance lesson. So he was just one step ahead of his own students, but what he taught was absolutely solid. So that’s what you can do. Simply share your newly acquired knowledge. This is exactly what I’m doing in this post. I’ve literally just finished watching a video from the Partnership to success program which was all about ideas for blog posts. And now I’m sitting here telling you what I’ve learned. Even the small portion of knowledge I’ve just acquired is valuable and can attract readers, I mean you wouldn’t be reading this if it wasn’t of interest to you, right?
4) Write about services you use
Maybe you already have a website, an autoresponder and are using other services/products. How about you write about your web hosting company, your newsletter software and the other services you are using? Can you recommend them? What is their customer service like? Is there anything that you don’t find too good? You get the picture. By the way, I use d9hosting* and AWeber (in case you don’t know AWeber, this is an autoresponder). I can highly recommend both; they have fair pricing and excellent customer service which is absolutely essential in the world of online marketing (How I know this? Well, I’ve recently learned this in the Partnership to Success program and am now writing about it. You understand where I’m going with this ;)). So if I were you, I’d invest in high quality services, even if it costs you more than really cheap services (with lousy customer service).
5) Write about free/paid groups you have come across that share great info
Have you come across any groups, e.g. on facebook, that offer quality information? If so, then let your readers know. Here are some ideas of what you could write about in your post:
a) Decribe the specific focus or purpose of the groups: Are they related to online marketing, entrepreneurship, a specific niche, or something else?
b) Engagement and Interaction: Talk about the level of engagement and interaction within these groups. Are members active and responsive? Can you gain valuable insights?
c) Content quality: Is the information shared useful? Do the posts add value to your learning?
d) Personal experience: Have you yourself been able to gain helpful information, made connections etc.?
e) Membership requirements: Are there any specific requirements or conditions for joining these groups, such as being part of a program or meeting certain criteria?
Oh, and as you should practise what you preach, here is a really good facebook group I have come across: It is called “Affiliate Marketing for Beginners – Helping Mama’s Make Money!”. It is a very active group consisting of both beginners and more established internet marketers and everyone is super friendly and helpful. You can gain lots of helpful information and the advice that is given is really valuable. And despite the name of the group, anyone can join – not only Moms. If you’re interested, you can check it out here.
6) Review Post
You could write about a product/tool/plugin you have found and tested. What do you like about it, how can you benefit from it, what advice would you give to people using that product/tool/plugin?
If you haven’t yet used a tool or plugin you could review or know enough about to review, it’s very likely that you’ve at least already read an article or book on an online marketing topic. So how about sharing your thoughts on that?
I hope I have given you some inspiration. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts.
To your success,
Olivia Ressler

* affiliate link/advertising link