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Oh, the joys of navigating the treacherous waters of tech! All this tech stuff drives me insane. But as they say, necessity is the mother of invention, and sometimes, those wacky tech problems lead to great EUREKA moments. Allow me to share one of my recent escapades in the world of digital exasperation.

Picture me, a non-techy person, trying to create a flawless blog post. In my mind, I was crafting a masterpiece. But little did I know that the formatting of one tiny element – indentation – would bring me to the verge of despair.

The Battle Begins: The Misbehaving Indents

So, there I was, typing away. The text was flowing like liquid gold, and all was well in the blogging universe. Until, that is, I encountered a tiny roadblock. The “increase indent” button on my toolbar was just too enthusiastic. Every time I tried to use it, it seemed to think I wanted to indent not one, but an entire family of lines.

Here I was, wrestling with my keyboard, the ‘Tab’ key, and the ‘Shift’ key, hoping to make it understand that I only wanted to nudge one line slightly to the right. But no, the stubborn indent insisted on dragging its friends along.

I’m sure many of you have been there – stuck in a never-ending cycle of backspacing and reformatting, trying to make your content look just right. So, if you’re feeling my pain, read on, because sometimes, all you need is a touch of creativity to outsmart those misbehaving formatting tools.

The Crafty Solution: HTML to the Rescue

In my quest for the perfect indentation, I decided to take matters into my own hands and turned to my trusty friend, ChatGPT, for assistance. If the indent button was playing hard to get, I’d show it who was boss! With a little help from my good old chatty friend,  I discovered a nifty trick – the power of the <span> tag with inline CSS (please don’t ask what that is, as I have no idea… I was simply told that by ChatGPT). Anyway, it’s like waving a magic wand over your text to create the indentation you desire. You simply click the “Text” tab in the top right corner of the Editor to switch to the HTLM view. Then, you find the line you selected, and manually add an HTLM  <span> tag with inline CSS for indentation. For example:

<span style="margin-left: 20px;">Your indented text goes here.</span>

The margin-left value was my secret weapon, allowing me to control the exact level of indentation. You simply adjust the value to your heart’s content.

The Takeaway: Never Give Up

I’d like to leave you with a quote that serves as a timeless reminder, applicable to various aspects of life, including our tech adventures.:

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison

So, fellow tech adventurers, remember that no tech problem is insurmountable, no matter how frustrating it may seem. It’s all part of the delightful journey of blogging. Keep experimenting, keep learning, and never give up on your quest for blogging greatness, one indented line at a time.

Feel free to comment below and share.

To your success,

Olivia Ressler

P.S. I want to share a little secret with you! This whole blogging journey is part of an awesome course I’m currently enrolled in called “Partnership to Success.” The course focuses on teaching aspiring entrepreneurs how to create and market their own products successfully. It also covers everything you need to know to set up and run a blog. The course focuses on the essential aspects that are critical for your success. When it comes to more specialized tech challenges like dealing with indents, those are just one piece of the puzzle, and you can easily find solutions as you go along. The course truly excels at guiding you through the exciting realms of product creation and marketing. If you’re interested in joining this journey, you can find more information here*. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn and grow!




* affiliate link/advertising link

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